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Social Determinants of Health 

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How do Social Determinants of Health Impact your Health Outcome? 
Read all about it below!

Economic Stability


Education Access and Quality 

Neighborhood and Built Environment 

Healthcare Access and Quality 

Social and Community Context

Didn't find what you were looking for?

We are working on compiling a list of resources and organizations that specialize in addressing different social determinants of health. We invite you to join us in creating a community where we can come together, learn from one another, and collaborate on innovative ways to address health disparities and poor mental health in the Black community. 

BMHA Naashville Intake Form


We have a holistic perspective of healing. However, healing looks different for everyone. That's why we take the time to understand how and why you’re hurting and what healing, health, and wellness look like for you, before offering interventions or suggestions for different modalities of healing that can benefit you. 


After filling out the intake, we will contact you to sign-up for a 30 min consultation to talk more about whatever you may be going through and the kind of help you need. 



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